Sotem Impianti


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The Sotem Impianti as principal objective proposes him that to guarantee to our Clients the punctual management of the orders up to their completion, in the full respect of the contractual terms.
Endowed with a slender and flexible structure, our firm is able to mobilize, also for jobs of ready intervention, technicians and specialized workers carefully selected.
Remarkable professionalism finds space in the:

Sector metalmeccanico
Sector building constructions
Sector serramentistico
Sector impiantistica electric civilian and industrialist
Hydraulic sector and termoidraulico

Equipped with work drives predisposed permanent on containers and furniture on automezzi, the Sotem Impianti it is able to reach at the right moment any places for interventions of assemblage and maintenance of industrial fittingses and naval cantieristica. It is furnished of a proper park equipments and means as wrecker, instruments and devices for liftings, welders to thread, electric welders and motosaldatrici, fittingses for cut with plasma and ossiacetilenico, massive structure, montatore/tubista/saldatore/carpentiere cassettes and electrician; all of this allows to face in adjusted way the jobs that are submitted her.


Center Legal Street G. Ancillotto, 20. 30027 St. Donās of Piave (You)
Tel. 0421/1910005. Fax. 0421/1880124 - Email:
P. IV. 03889620278. R.E.A. YOU. 347365
POSIZ. ASSICURATIVE INAIL: 18408488. IMPS: 8813257985

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